This is my real menu for my real family. I hope it lends to inspiration and ideas if you feel like you need some new ideas, I know I can get in a rut sometimes myself. If youd like any of these recipes please feel free to reach out and ask! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the kitchen! Thursday 24 lunch-tuna dip and crackers dinner-Smothered Chicken, Mashed potatoes and veggies Friday 25 breakfast-eggs and toast and fruit lunch-bagels w cream cheese and ham dinner-pizza rolls-easy so mom and dad can date Saturday 26 lunch-soup and toast dinner-pizza, garlic bread and salad Sunday 27 lunch-crab salad sandwiches with avocados, sliced cucumbers and chips dinner- carbonara, salad, and mint brownies Monday 28 lunch-soup and toast dinner-Chicken and mandarin orange green salad Tuesday 29 lunch-BLTS, apples and chips dinner-homemade sweet and sour meatballs over rice and glazed carrots Wednesday 30 lunch-PB and J, bananas and chocolate milk dinner-...