OK we spent hours discussing why these babies are called "slutty" brownies and if we should change their name. I think we finally decided that they are so bad that you shouldn't want anything to do with them but really still want to have one anyway. HAHA! Anywho...they are simple. Just take a chocolate chip cookie mix and prepare it according to package directions and press it into a 9x13 pan, then line that layer with a package of Oreos, (we used double stuffed) and then top it off with prepared brownie mix batter and bake @350 for about 30 mins. (its hard to tell if they are done because of the Oreos so just do you best) DELISH! I am grateful I can have treats once a week! I would not have liked missing this sweetie! Thank you pinterest for the inspiration!
These are ridonkulous! You could make so many different versions of them too which is great. I should have used double stuff oreos in mine. I am going to have to remember that.