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Our Real Menu for Our Real Family July 2023

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by! This is our menu for the next little bit, we have a birthday and a holiday on this plan so it should be fun! Have a great weekend and  ENJOY YOUR KITCHEN! PS if you are looking for any of these recipes please feel free to comment and I can get them to you.    LUNCHES Taco meat and cottage cheese with chips Freezer finds hoagies and chips peanut butter and bacon sandwiches and chips soup ramen or ravioli fried egg sandwiches and chips chicken salad sandwich and chips bagels and cream cheese with lunch meat PB and J and chips or apples simple nachos\ OUT (pioneer day) DINNERS Orange chicken and fried rice and veggies KOKOS B-day we bring chips and strawberry wonton salad Honey lime chicken enchilada bake, guac, sour cream and chips and salsa Crack Chicken perogi casserole and canteloupe Chili cheese corn dogs with french fries and corn on the cob Cowboy stew with easy stuffed cheesy bread,  OUT (pioneer day) Garbage bread, french fries veggies Sausage P

Lindsay's Peruvian Chicken and Potatoes

I am so excited to share this recipe with you!  I have 4 daughters and one son. All of them are great cooks! This recipe was given to me by my sweet Lindsay and I would dare say cooking is one of her hobbies, talents and skills. She rocks in the kitchen! Lindsays husband served an LDS mission to Peru. Needless to say Lindsay wanted to bring Peruvian food to her home for her sweetheart. Enter Peruvian Chicken and Potatoes! Oh man this is GOOD! My youngest said it was some of the best chicken she has ever eaten! (and she is surrounded by and is also a great cook herself, so its quite the endorsement)  This dish is served with a green sauce called Aji Verde. It is beyond delicious but has cilantro. Some of us in our house dont care for cilantro so when I make it, I leave out the cilantro. It was still amazing but did lack the beautiful green color the sauce is known for, so... you do you Boo. If you like cilantro by all means please use it! But know if you dont you can still enjoy a most

Happy 4th of July!

 Whether you're gathered with family and friends for a backyard barbecue, watching a parade pass by, or marveling at the brilliant fireworks display, I hope this day brings you immense happiness and a sense of unity. It's a day to appreciate the spirit of patriotism that unites us all. Let's take a moment to remember and express gratitude to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting our freedom. Their sacrifices remind us that the strength of our nation lies in the hearts of its people. God Bless America! Land that I love!

Level Up Sloppy Joes-A Semi-homemade Easy Recipe

 Hello there! Whether you're pressed for time or crave a scrumptious meal without the fuss, this quick fix will have your taste buds dancing. My Level Up Sloppy Joes are a semi-homemade recipe that is so easy and so good that you will be wondering why you make sloppy joes any other way! I love that I can keep the ingredients on hand on my shelves. Its perfect for those nights I dont feel like cooking but dont want to go out either. In the amount of time it takes to brown the meat, we are ready to eat! Give this one a try! You'll be glad you did!

Our real menu for my real family June/July 2023

Hello friend! Here is another menu, I hope it brings some inspiration and sparks ideas for things youd like to eat for dinner and lunch. If you are interested in any of the recipes please leave a comments and I  can get it to you asap. Have a great weekend and  ENJOY YOUR KITCHEN!  LUNCHES PB and J and Chips taco meat and cottage cheese and chips freezer finds hoagies and chips peanut butter and bacon and chips cream cheese w ham wraps soup, ramen, or ravioli fried egg sandwiches and chips cottage cheese with mandarin oranges and baby carrots with ranch DINNERS BIG FHE-we bring strawberry wonton salad and moms potato salad Malibu chicken, rice pilaf and veggies Hamburgers and hotdogs-(with some of our bestest buddies) We bring toppings and sides, fruit salsa w grahams, loaded baked potato salad, sauteed mushrooms, sliced cheeses, bacon, mayo, mustard, ketsup, sliced onion, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles Orange chicken and fried rice, with watermelon Slow cooker french onion soup with t

Quick and Easy Shepherds Pie

 This quick and easy Shepherds Pie is going to find itself on your dinners to repeat list! It is as tasty as it is easy! It is a comforting and delicious dish that can be prepared in no time. It consists of layers of ground meat, peas and carrots, and creamy mashed potatoes and topped with cheese! You can't go wrong!  please note* You can use any mashed potatoes you choose. They can be fresh, frozen, intant or leftovers. You will need approx 4 Cups of whichever way you decide. 

Our Real Menu for My real Family June 2023

Hey There! This is our next set of meals. We just finished a most entertaining staycation with our big little family had a great time! We had reservations at a campground but due to "winter damage" it was cancelled. Although we would have loved to be camping we made the best of it and had a wonderful time together here in town. Let me know if you would like any of these recipes. Have a great day! LUNCHES- taco meat and cottage cheese w chips PB and Js and chips freezer finds hoagies and chips salads BLTS and chips soup, ramen or ravioli or mac and cheese DINNERS tator tot casserole applebees oriental chicken salad cheeseburgers, french fries and veggies malibu chicken, rice pilaf and broccoli orange chicken and fried rice and veggies hamburger gravy with mashed potatoes and veggies sushi bowls DESSERTS butterscotch pie crack bars EASY KID DINNERS pizza rolls grilled cheese and tomato soup