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Our real menu for my real family June/July 2023

Hello friend! Here is another menu, I hope it brings some inspiration and sparks ideas for things youd like to eat for dinner and lunch. If you are interested in any of the recipes please leave a comments and I  can get it to you asap. Have a great weekend and  ENJOY YOUR KITCHEN!  LUNCHES PB and J and Chips taco meat and cottage cheese and chips freezer finds hoagies and chips peanut butter and bacon and chips cream cheese w ham wraps soup, ramen, or ravioli fried egg sandwiches and chips cottage cheese with mandarin oranges and baby carrots with ranch DINNERS BIG FHE-we bring strawberry wonton salad and moms potato salad Malibu chicken, rice pilaf and veggies Hamburgers and hotdogs-(with some of our bestest buddies) We bring toppings and sides, fruit salsa w grahams, loaded baked potato salad, sauteed mushrooms, sliced cheeses, bacon, mayo, mustard, ketsup, sliced onion, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles Orange chicken and fried rice, with watermelon Slow cooker french onion soup with t