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Showing posts with the label family

Lucky stars and true love!

I want to tell a neat story about my dear sweet husband.  Last night I hear him say "Oh yay! I found it!" Apparently he had been looking for this photo of us clear back from 1991 and he was so excited that he posted it on Face book (a place he rarely likes to go) The caption says Me and my best friend in 91.  Cool right? But Wait....there's more....the reason he had been looking so earnestly for it is because he has been carrying this picture and the picture of me in my high school graduation cap and gown for over 20 years in his wallet and they are showing the wear if not nearly ruined.  How sweet is it that he has had my pictures with him all this time??? I am not going to pretend that everything has always been perfect but he has been and will always be my truest friend. He loves me in a way I do not understand except that I feel the same for him. We are blessed to experience something this amazing!  When we married I KNEW it was right then and it is still ri...

Pinterest Interest...North Pole Post mark

I found this on pinterest and know I will be using the tip!!  The kids are going to love it! DID YOU KNOW... that you can get a REAL postmarked letter from the North Pole from the USPS??? ♥ Instructions are HERE! letters must be received by Dec.10 to ensure that your 'letters from Santa' get delivered to your little ones by Christmas Day! :)

I've been inspired! A Summer of Service

I have been reading all over blogland about summer bucket lists and ideas to keep the kidlets busy...I finally found exactly what I want to do!! We are going to have a summer of service or random acts of kindness! I am SO EXCITED!! Here is a link to see my inspiration.. ..Stay tuned for our families list of goal acts/service to accomplish... IT"S GOING TO BE A GREAT SUMMER!!

Congrats Are In Order!

My sweet little girl is getting Married!! She is so excited and overflowing with happiness and that is all her daddy and I have ever wanted for her.  How can we be anything but overjoyed?!  Exciting!  Thought I'd share  Why Marriage” by Mari Nichols-Haining   in her honor!   Because to the depths of me, I long to love one person, With all my heart, my soul, my mind, my body... Because I need a forever friend to trust with the intimacies of me, Who won't hold them against me, Who loves me when I'm unlikable, Who sees the small child in me, and Who looks for the divine potential of me... Because I need to cuddle in the warmth of the night With someone who thanks God for me, With someone I feel blessed to hold... Because marriage means opportunity To grow in love in friendship... Because marriage is a discipline To be added to a list of achievements... Because marriages do not fail, people fail When they enter into marriage Expecting another to ...

Our Daily Christmas Advent Activities

While my husband and I were discussing with our kids their Christmas memories it became painfully aware to us that, aside from a few very special gifts, our children don't remember much about what the presents have been under the tree from years past.  On the flip side of that they did remember the fun things we have done as a family.  Our traditions meant a lot to them.  It was at this point that we wanted to make an effort to make our time together a priority.  Welcome to the birth of our daily advents....I have had a few requests to see these so here they are. (every year is unique but this is this years)  Nov 25- decorating day Nov 26-Grandma's Birthday Nov 27-Sign and Stuff Christmas Cards (yes everyone signs these) Nov 28-The Candy Bar Game Nov 29-Egg Nog Night Nov 30-Make Advent calendars Dec 1-Our Disney Christmas Sing Along Dec 2-Festival of The Trees (going to see darling daughters Miss Kearns tree) Dec 3-Miss Kearns Holiday Festival...

Fox and Sparrows! A favorite blog!

This is the owner of Fox and Sparrows.  (a most amazing blog and soon to be etsy shop!) She is also an awesome wife! Wonderful mother AND my favorite thing about her.....My baby sister and a true bestie!   She has the most awesome blog and should be seen and read! I literally visit nearly every day and love the things she posts! She has recipes, crafts and every day life and even more!  Please go visit her blog and enrich your life! It is awesome!  GO NOW!!