I want to tell a neat story about my dear sweet husband. Last night I hear him say "Oh yay! I found it!" Apparently he had been looking for this photo of us clear back from 1991 and he was so excited that he posted it on Face book (a place he rarely likes to go) The caption says Me and my best friend in 91. Cool right? But Wait....there's more....the reason he had been looking so earnestly for it is because he has been carrying this picture and the picture of me in my high school graduation cap and gown for over 20 years in his wallet and they are showing the wear if not nearly ruined. How sweet is it that he has had my pictures with him all this time??? I am not going to pretend that everything has always been perfect but he has been and will always be my truest friend. He loves me in a way I do not understand except that I feel the same for him. We are blessed to experience something this amazing! When we married I KNEW it was right then and it is still ri...
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