This idea comes to you courtesy of my cute, girly girl, Lindsay. She is in constant search of awesome hair ideas and taught me this great one!! You are going to love it! (I wish the pictures were better but at least you get the idea I hope) You can use this secret sock no bobby pin bun as a daily hair style or use it to curl you hair over night for some gorgeous waves! PS if you are wanting to curl the hair it will need to be slightly damp when you do it. Stuff you need 1 sock (you aren't intending to wear again on your feet) items needed to make pony tail Step 1 Put your hair in a pony tail. High on your head for curling (that way it stays out of the way while you sleep) and lower if you are wanting to wear it during the day. Step 2 Cut the toes off the sock Step 3 roll the sock into a donut Step 4 Put your pony tail through the center of the sock donut Step 5 Roll the hair around the sock donut as if you were turning it inside out (I hope that makes sense) place, fluff a