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Showing posts with the label gifts ideas

Something I made...An Advent Calendar

I have an obsession of Advent Calendars! Its true.  SO true! This is a new one for this year.  Hardly worth a tutorial.  I just picked up a square plate from wally's and added my vinyl.  It is compatible with a dry erase marker so I will just simply wipe away and write in the new number each morning.  Fun!  (also great for those concerned about eating too many treats this time of year.)   If you'd like a decal let me know and I can hook you up.  They will be in my etsy shop tonight or tomorrow morning.

Give an Apron with this Darling Poem!!

I gave an apron and this SO cute poem to 3 very special ladies last year for Christmas. Aprons are so so popular this year it seems.  Now it can be that much more fun!! The Apron Poem When I used to visit Grandma. I was very much impressed, By her all-purpose apron, And the power it possessed. She used it for a basket, When she gathered up the eggs, And flapped it as a weapon, When hens pecked her feet and legs. She used it for a hot pad, To remove a steaming pan, And when her brow was heated, She used it for a fan. It dried our childish tears, When we'd scrape a knee and cry, And made a hiding place When the little ones were shy. Farm produce took in season, In the summer, spring and fall, Found its way into the kitchen From Grandma's carry all. PS I picked this poem off a forum many years ago.  IF you are the author or know who the author is please please let me know.  I am more than happy to give credit where credit is due. loves to all!!!

M&M Christmas Poem-Another Gift Idea

I have had this poem in my files since 2005 and still use it to give as gifts today! It goes wonderfully attached to a bag of M&M Candies!  Everyone loves it! I am not the original writer of this poem but have no idea who is.  If you know PLEASE let me know I will immediately give credit where credit is due! Enjoy! M & M Christmas Poem As you hold these candies in your hand And turn them, you will see The 'M' becomes a 'W', An 'E', and then a '3'. They tell the Christmas Story-- I'm sure it's one you know. It took place in a stable A long, long time ago. The 'E' is for the East, Where the star shone so bright. The 'M' is for the Manger, where the Baby Jesus slept at night. The '3' is for the Wise men, Bearing gifts, with which they came. 'W' is for Worship, Hallelujah! Praise His Name! So as you eat these candies Or share them with a friend, Remember the meaning of Christmas: It'...

12 Homemade Simmer Pot/Stove Potpourri Recipes...Would make great gift too!

I love love love things that make my house smell well.....yummy! These recipes are wonderful for just that! I love to just throw the ingredients into a small saucepan on the stove and let them just barely simmer.  (not to be left unattended) This also makes a great neighbor gift! Just deliver the ingredients to a friend with the instructions in a cute embellished  bag and TA DA! Cheap, yet wonderful gift!! (plus makes a great humidifier too!) My Favorite Potpourri Recipe 1 lemon cut in fourths 1 apple cut in fourths 1 orange cut in fourths 2 or 3 cinnamon sticks Water to cover Place in a pan and simmer. Holiday Potpourri 1 Orange 1 Lemon 1 Bay Leaf 1 Cinnamon Stick 1/4 Cup Whole Cloves 1. Cut orange and lemon into pieces. 2. Put all ingredients in a sauce pan and cover with water. 3. Simmer on stove, and add additional water during the day, when needed. Holiday Spice 2 c. water 1/2 c. sugar 1 c. pineapple juice 1 c. orange juice 1 lemon, sliced 4 cinnamon sticks 1 Tbs...

A Quiet Book Exchange Idea From Sugar Bee!! Great Idea!!

I follow a great blog called Sugar Bee!! She shared a great idea on how we can make those DANG cute quiet books with the help of our 9 closest crafty friends!  GO check it Out HERE!!    Oh and be sure to check out her etsy shop on her side bar! Way cute stuff that!!