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Showing posts with the label Rice Krispies

Scotcharoos-A Classic Treat from the 60's

 Y'all I fully believed this recipe was from the 80's, because my Mom and Grandma used to make it for our family.  It is not! I know! I was surprised too! The scotcharoo recipe was first found on the Kellogg's Rice Krispy Cereal box in 1960. Its technically a vintage recipe! If you haven't had a scotcharoo make this one soon! If you have had one, the time has come to walk down memory lane and make it again! It has chocolate, butterscotch and peanut butter all mixed in with the crunch of the rice krispy and the creamy chocolate butterscotch topping. Should I add that they are no bake and quick and easy? These sweeties are a delight!   ENJOY!